Contact Us 902-427-7788 0R 1-888-753-8827

Military Family Navigation

H&R MFRC Navigators are military family service professionals who know the military lifestyle and its unique challenges, the community, and the services/supports available. Navigators will work with families to learn about their military journey, listen to their questions, needs, and strengths, and identify the best tools, services and supports available to help them.

Navigators provide peer support opportunities and education in the areas of relocation, absences, and transition into the military and throughout the release process. We work collaboratively with other agencies to provide relevant navigational support to connect to local and national resources that work best for families and will not duplicate existing services already available in the community. ​

Appointments can be made by phone, virtually by Zoom/TEAMS, or in person. Set up an appointment with a navigator:

Call: 902-427-7788




Le CRFM H et R est heureux d’annoncer qu’à partir du 31 août 2022, nous offrirons des services de counseling à court terme aux familles francophones. Grâce au financement fourni par La Fondation La Patrie gravée sur le cœur, nous avons engagé une travailleuse sociale francophone agréée pour offrir, sur demande, des services de counseling à court terme aux familles francophones.

Les services de santé mentale et de bien-être du CRFM H et R sont conçus pour répondre aux défis uniques de la vie militaire, des déménagements, des absences et des transitions. Les services de counseling pour les francophones seront disponibles sur rendez-vous soit par téléphone, de façon virtuelle ou en personne, à nos sites de Shearwater ou de Windsor Park.

Nous sommes ravis de pouvoir enfin combler cette lacune en matière de services, en mettant les services de santé mentale à la disposition de toutes les familles de notre communauté. J’ai le plaisir de vous présenter Gabrielle Lambert.

Originaire du Québec, Gabrielle a déménagé en Nouvelle-Écosse en 2017. Elle est passionnée par l’idée d’aider les gens à atteindre leurs objectifs et à apporter des changements positifs dans leur vie. Elle est également conjointe de militaire et, à ce titre, elle comprend le mode de vie et les nombreux défis que les militaires et leurs familles peuvent traverser.

Pour accéder aux services de santé mentale et de bien-être, veuillez nous appeler au 902-427-7788.

Become a Member of the Board of Directors!

Board Member Posting

About the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre (H&R MFRC):

The H&R MFRC has a rich 30-year history of supporting military families. We are a community organization governed by military family members that works in partnership with military families, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), & Military Family Services (MFS) to deliver programs & services to children, youth, adults, and families. We believe that family is the CAF member & those they care about: spouse, partner, parents, children, and relatives. The H&R MFRC supports regular & reserve force CAF members & their families within Halifax Regional Municipality, Central and Northern Nova Scotia, including Cape Breton.  

The H&R MFRC is a provincially registered charity, governed by a Board of Directors made up of dedicated volunteers who execute the Mission, Vision, & Values of the organization. The H&R MFRC is a Governance Board (often referred to as the Carver Model) that develops the strategic direction & maintain governance oversight for H&R MFRC programs & services. 

In order to ensure our Board composition includes at least 51% military family representation, Board Members must be able to demonstrate a connection to the military community (that is, you are an immediate family member of a serving member or of a medically released veteran; parent of a single serving member; or you are a veteran or veteran family member).

Responsibilities include:

Prepare, attend, & actively participate in monthly Board meetings & Committees;

Participate in establishing & advancing the H&R MFRC’s strategic plan, in consultation with the Executive Director;

Approve the annual budget, funding agreements, & monitor financial performance of the organization;

Governance oversight, including development & regular review of all governing policies, terms of reference, & bylaws of the organization;

Support & participate in community events when requested by the Chair or Executive Director; and Management of the Executive Director, including hiring & annual performance evaluation.


We are a welcoming and supportive organization, and we encourage applicants that reflect our diverse community, including BIPOC, persons with disabilities, and the LGBTQ2S+ community to self-identify when applying.

While we will consider all expressions of interest, we are particularly seeking individuals with knowledge and experience in one or more of the following areas:


Communications & PR;

Non-Profit Leadership;

Finance & Accounting.

Time Commitment: 

5-10 hours per month (meetings, preparation, committee work). Childcare during in-person Board or Committee meetings may be provided at the Windsor Park location.

Term of Office:

Board Members are elected for a term of two years (June 2022 through June 2024).

Application Instructions:

Please click on the link below to apply. When applying, please include a copy of your resume, if available.

Deadline to Apply:

The deadline to apply is April 29, 2022.

The Recruitment Committee will be reviewing all applications and will be contacting candidates selected for interviews. Interviews will be held between May 9 and 19, 2022.

RCN Work-Conflict Study

The H&R MFRC believes that military family research provides the basis for understanding how best to meet the needs of Military and Veteran families. As such, we will let military and veteran families know about research opportunities that may be of interest to them. We do not endorse particular research or researchers but encourage interested families to determine if the research study is a good fit for them. We recently received the following request:

On behalf of the Director General Military Personnel Research and Analysis and the Royal Canadian Navy, we would like to invite you to participate in a study examining work-life conflict in the Navy. Specifically, the study will (1) identify key challenges impacting RCN member’s work-life balance; and (2) identify existing successful solutions, and develop new solutions, to mitigate work-life conflict. In addition to interviewing Navy personnel, we would also like to speak to the partners of Navy personnel to understand their perceptions of the challenges to work-life conflict and potential areas of support.

Participation will involve taking part in a virtual interview that will take approximately 60-90 minutes of your time. Interview questions will cover your partner’s work-life balance, challenges that have impacted your partner’s ability to maintain work-life balance, what was done to successfully to support their work-life balance, what prevented work-life balance, and what changes could be implemented to promote work-life balance.

Interviews will be audio-recorded initially. Interviews will be transcribed to allow for the identification of common challenges, barriers, and solutions among interview participants. Your participation will be confidential, and you will be offered the opportunity to review your interview transcript prior to its use in the final report.

If you are interested in participating or have any questions regarding the study, please contact Dr. Christine Frank at

RFP: Francophone Mental Health & Well-Being Counsellor Casual Contractor

Halifax site & Shearwater site, H&R MFRC

One Year Pilot Project

Submission Due Date: 22 March 2022, 4pm AST

The H&R MFRC recognizes mental health supports in the community are limited, with extensive wait times and we continually strive to address service gaps. A new funding opportunity allows us to support Francophone military families to access mental health services including short term counselling in French. This casual contract position will augment our Mental Health & Well Being team. We are excited to be recipients of a one-year pilot project funding from True Patriot Love, to contract a casual Francophone social worker, to deliver comparable services on an as needed or requested basis. Given this approach, the candidate selected must be flexible in their availability to respond to client requests and deliver support services in a variety of methods including phone, virtual and in person counselling.

Projet pilote d’un an

Entrepreneur occasionnel - Conseiller francophone en santé mentale et bien-être

Nous reconnaissons que les mesures de soutien pour la santé mentale dans la communauté sont limitées et ont des temps d’attente longs, et nous nous efforçons continuellement de combler les lacunes dans les services. Une nouvelle occasion de financement nous permet de soutenir les familles des militaires francophones afin qu’elles accèdent aux services de santé mentale, dont le counselling à court terme, en français. Ce poste de marché occasionnel renforcera notre équipe de santé mentale et de bien-être.

McHappy Day is coming!

Take family, friends, colleagues… whomever to McDonald’s on McHappy Day and make a purchase. Or lots of purchases!

Why, you ask?

A portion of proceeds from every item on the menu purchased from the locations listed below, will go directly to programs and services for military families.

The H&R MFRC has been proudly supporting military families since 1986. With your generous support, we can continue to do so.

Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Time: All day!

McDonald’s Locations: 393 Pleasant Street (Dartmouth) & 3486 Kempt Road (Halifax)

Community Update for September 13, 2021

Please be advised that the H&R MFRC will continue with our mask mandate after September 15, 2021 until further notice.

Masks are to be worn in all common areas. Children under the age of 12 are not eligible for a vaccine and with two licensed child care centres integrated within our facilities we are conscious that this age population is vulnerable to COVID-19, so we are taking one consistent approach for masking for all employees and community members. Thank you for helping us keep our children and community safe.

The health and safety of our military family community, and employees is our priority. The H&R MFRC adheres to public health directives as they are issued. We remain committed to keeping families informed and connected so please continue to monitor our social media for updates.


Phone: 902-427-7788 (24/7)





Occasional Care - A Child Care Option for Military Families

Halifax and Shearwater sites, H&R MFRC

At the national level, Military Family Services (MFS) is modernizing their approach to support and services to military and Veteran families. As part of this process, the H&R MFRC is reviewing our programs and services to ensure they align with MFS. We must ensure that services are sustainable, address the evolving needs of families, and are tailored to address the three challenges of living the military lifestyle (Relocation, Absences, and Transitions).

Child care options (outside of licensed child care centres) are in demand. As such, one of our priorities is to offer military families alternative child care. We have consolidated Casual Care and Deployment Respite Care, and are introducing this new option as Occasional Care.


Occasional Care is a service offered at a reduced cost for families, due to generous donations from local organizations. This service is available for families who experience challenges due to relocation, absences, and/or transitions. Families can book a space and use the service to:


This service will begin on Tuesday, July 13, 2021, with the following sessions available*.

Shearwater Site: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday mornings from 9am – 12pm. 

Saturdays: Alternating between Halifax and Shearwater sites from 9am – 12pm.

Ages: 18 months to 12 years.

*As part of our COVID reopening plan, Occasional Care will return gradually. We will add additional afternoon and Halifax site sessions as more staffing resources become available.


All sessions are three hours at a cost of $15/child per session.


This service is not provincially licensed and follows provincial requirements for unlicensed child care, which prohibits more than six children enrolled per session. To ensure fair and reasonable access, families must register in advance. Pre-booking is limited to a maximum of two sessions/week (Saturday to Friday) per family. Families can register up to 30 days prior to the session or at least 24 hours prior to the session. Should a family wish to cancel, they must do so at least 24 hours prior to the session. No refunds will be given for sessions cancelled by the family.

To register, families must use our online registration system. Payment in full is required at the time of booking. Payments is done using a secure, third-party administrator, and accepts VISA, Mastercard, and Discover.

The H&R MFRC reserves the right to cancel this service at any time. Should this occur, families affected by this will be contacted and will receive a refund.


In addition to Occasion Care, military families may qualify for the following child care options.

Relocation Child Care (children 18 months to 12 years) is available to relocating families who need to unpack. It can be accessed up to a maximum of two full days a week (9am – 12 pm & 1-4pm).

Emergency Family Care Assistance (through Military Family Services) Through the Military Family Services Program (MFSP), Emergency Family Care Assistance (formerly called Emergency Childcare) provides military families support with emergency care for a dependent family member. There is an established criteria for eligibility. If you require support, please contact us: 902-427-7788.

For more information on these child care options: visit or call: 902-427-7788.

*The H&R MFRC uses a family-centred approach to service delivery, meaning we recognize that each family has their own unique situation. Therefore, should fees be a barrier to access this service, please contact the Program Manager by calling: 902-427-7788.

Operation Backpack is Back!

Halifax and Shearwater sites, H&R MFRC

The H&R MFRC is collecting backpacks and school supplies on behalf of the members of HMCS Goose Bay this summer. These donations will be given to youth in an Arctic community. Donation boxes will be set up at the Halifax and Shearwater sites of the H&R MFRC.

Donations will only be received during the week of July 19 – 23, 2021, between the hours of 8:30am and 4pm.

Not sure what to donate? See below for a list of common school supplies. Be sure to watch out for sales at stores like Walmart, Staples, and Superstore!

Thank you in advance for your donation!

Community Update for June 10, 2021

As part of our re-opening plan, as of Monday, June 14, 2021, the following will occur:

Due to physical distancing requirements and its impact on our space capacity, as well as limits on indoor gatherings, our virtual programs/services allow greater participation. As public health restrictions ease, we will offer more in-person programs and services.

Please continue to monitor our social media for further updates on our re-opening plan.

Families can contact 902-427-7788 for information about start up for in-person programs, such as the Henderson Sweetman Youth Centre.

Volunteer Recognition “Night” 2021 - An Expression of Recognition for Volunteers

Like much of this year, the pandemic has created many challenges. It has also created opportunities to connect with people in alternative and creative ways.

One such opportunity is the annual event to recognize volunteers who support military members and families by giving their time to the H&R MFRC and PSP Halifax/Shearwater. As part of their mission to improve the lives of military families, CANEX funds the Volunteer Recognition Program (VOREP), which allows them to recognize the important role volunteers play, typically hosts this event.

Volunteers are well known at the H&R MFRC and PSP Halifax/Shearwater, many of whom have been volunteering for over 15 years. Volunteers are military members, family members, and those who have a passion for supporting military members and their families.

Th volunteer recognition event also provides the H&R MFRC and PSP Halifax/Shearwater the opportunity to show their gratitude and thanks to the amazing contributions volunteers make throughout the year. Although the event could not be held due to current restrictions for public events, the annual cheque presentation did occur. To show the value of volunteer time that is given to both organizations, a mock cheque in the amount of $71,743.00 was presented by Mike Almond, PSP Manager, CFB Halifax, and Jill Clarke, H&R MFRC, Volunteer Coordinator, to CFB Halifax Base Commander, Captain (Navy) Sean Williams, 5th Canadian Division, Col CR Cotton, and 12 Wing Shearwater, LCol Darras, CO 406 Squadron. The cheque signifies a combined savings for PSP Halifax/Shearwater and H&R MFRC of the over 5,000 hours volunteers gave in support of military members and their families.

Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Bases and Wings acknowledged the contributions of volunteers, along with the H&R MFRC and PSP Halifax/Shearwater demonstrated in their thank you letters to all volunteers.

In his letter, Captain (Navy) William, Base Commander, referenced the challenging times faced this past year and the impact the volunteers had. “Hundreds of Defence Team members and their families have volunteered thousands of hours providing hope and smiles to sailors, soldiers, aviators and their families just when they needed it most.”

12 Wing Commander, Colonel Hawthorne recognized volunteers in his letter to them. “Your support to military members and their families is vital to the success of the Canadian Armed Forces and I know that your work is especially appreciated by the members of 12 Wing.”

Brigadier-General Pelletier, Commander of 5th Canadian Division, echoed Capt (N) Williams and Col Hawthorne’s sentiments on the effect volunteers have had. “Your contribution has left a positive impact on our military families, and would not have been possible without your commitment and dedication to our community.”

Mike Almond, CFB Halifax, PSP Manager, encouraged volunteers to reflect on their contributions. “You should be truly proud of your commitment toward promoting esprit de corps and
participation in the CAF recreation programs and MFRC events.”

Shelley Hopkins, Executive Director of the H&R MFRC, thanked volunteers for their dedication to supporting military families. “Although you have had limited opportunities to volunteer over this past year, I must acknowledge that whenever we did make a request for volunteers, you have all offered to step-up in support of military families.”

This year, in lieu of hosting an in-person event, due to COVID-19 guidelines, last month volunteers received a letter and a CINEPLEX movie code that they can use watch a ‘new’ premier movie from the comfort of their home. It is a different way of celebrating their efforts and have been well-received.

“The H&R MFRC recognizes the generous support of CANEX for sponsoring this annual Volunteer Recognition Event,” Hopkins added.

Update Regarding Children’s Centres May 7, 2021

This letter comes directly from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Following the letter is a message from the director from our Children’s Centres.

May 7, 2021

Dear Family:

We want to take a moment to acknowledge the support you have provided to the early learning and child care sector over the past 18 months, as we navigate this global pandemic together, and know that you are receiving the best support and care from the educators and staff at your centre.

To address the third wave of the pandemic, under the direction of Public Health, we reduced the capacity for regulated child care settings to a maximum of 60%. To do this we asked families, who do not require urgent child care, to voluntarily keep their children home until at least May 7th. For the families who could help, they were not required to pay child care fees and their spaces were held. As we work to flatten the curve of COVID-19, we are extending this deadline for families, until further notice. If you are able to keep your children home or are already doing so and are able to extend your help, please notify your child care provider immediately.

In addition to these efforts, we would like to remind families who are accessing child care of the following:

• Review the COVID Daily Checklist for yourself and those you care for each day before leaving home. The checklist can be found at the link below:

• Monitoring for symptoms is important to identify any potential cases of COVID-19. Children need to stay home when they are unwell, even if their symptoms are mild.

• Anyone who is unsure whether they or their child should self-isolate should access the online assessment tool ( ) or if unable to access the online tool, call 811.

• Parents and guardians should be aware that they will need to pick up their child promptly from child care if notified that their child has developed symptoms.

• Parents and guardians should educate and support children ages 2 and up, to wear a mask indoors, as required by Public Health measures. Where possible, they should ensure their children have clean masks with them, while attending child care.

We know you understand that during this quickly evolving third wave, we must all do our part to make safety a priority. There is nothing more important than the health of your children, and we are committed to continue working together to keep child care settings safe spaces for your children and their educators. Thank you for your continued support and please stay safe.


A note from the director of our Children’s Centres’:

Please email if you require a space next week as an essential worker. Otherwise please contact to confirm your voluntary withdrawal extension, if you are NOT an essential worker.

Lockheed Martin Canada Support Military Family Mental Health

In recognition of Mental Health Week, led by the Canadian Mental Health Association, Lockheed Martin Canada is proud to support a variety of initiatives that celebrate, protect and promote mental health.

Single Largest Philanthropic Donation

The past year was especially challenging for Canadian military families coping with the impacts of the COVID-19 global pandemic. In response, Lockheed Martin Canada’s single largest philanthropic contribution to date, $300,000, was donated to programs supporting the mental health of over 500 youth (and counting) from military families across Canada.

Lockheed partnered with Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services, and local Military Family Resource Centres (MFRCs) in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia, to support important initiatives providing military families with tangible relief during a very challenging period.

“We are grateful to Lockheed Martin Canada for their unwavering support of military families in Canada. These new programs and services go a long way in providing vital support for children and youth helping to ensure their resiliency.” commented Commodore Sean N. Cantelon (Ret’d), CEO, Canadian Forces Moral and Welfare Services.

Supporting the military community with non-profit partners is a large part of what Lockheed Martin does, both as a company and as an employer. The past year has underlined the importance of access to local mental health programs and resources for families who may concurrently face relocation, operational separations, and the risk of the profession of arms in addition to COVID related stressors.

“We know the impact COVID-19 has had on everyone’s wellbeing, and I am incredibly proud of this partnership with Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services that is providing more access to tailored and timely mental health resources for children and youth of military families through their local centres,” added Lorraine Ben, Chief Executive, Lockheed Martin Canada.

Over 500 Military Children and Youth Impacted So Far

National CAF Kids Crisis Text Line, delivery extended by 4-5 years, dedicated to ensuring children, youth and young adults from military families have free access to mental health and wellbeing support in both English and French. Powered by Kids Help Phone, kids text the keyword CAFKIDS to 686868 for mental health support.

Tranquility Online program partnered with the Halifax & Region MFRC (H&R MFRC) to teach life-long skills to military family members, helping parents and youth manage mental health during stressful or difficult situations.

Peer Support Network for Adolescent Girls, delivered fully online by Region of Montreal MFRC. The interactive information sessions and discussion groups cover a wide variety of topics like children’s mental health in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Imagination Library delivered by the Esquimalt MFRC is a monthly book sharing program, providing children ages 0-5 with a different book each month, in collaboration with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library - an international non-for-profit working to support enhanced education outcomes for children.

Imagination Library delivered by the Calgary MFRC provides a book sharing program as well as counselling services for children and youth struggling with complex mental health challenges and tutoring for those with academic difficulties.

For additional information, visit our website:

About Lockheed Martin Canada

Headquartered in Ottawa, Lockheed Martin Canada is the Canadian unit of Lockheed Martin Corporation, a global security and aerospace company that employs some 110 000 people worldwide. Lockheed Martin Canada has been Canada’s trusted defence partner for over 80 years, specializing in the development, integration, and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products, and services. The company has over 1 000 employees at major facilities in Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax, Calgary, and Victoria, working on a wide range of major programs spanning the aerospace, defence, and commercial sectors.

Please follow @LMCanadaNews on Twitter for the latest announcements and news across Lockheed Martin Canada

Media Contact: Amanda Hauck; +1613-797-4334;

Message from the Executive Director

April 29, 2021

A year ago our military community faced a tragic loss, and today we pause to reflect for our thoughts remain with the families of: Captain Brenden Ian MacDonald, Captain Kevin Hagen, Captain Maxime Miron-Morin, Master Corporal Matthew Cousins, Sub-Lieutenant Matthew Pyke, and Sub-Lieutenant Abbigail Cowbrough.

This tragedy affected our 12 Wing community, the crew of HMCS Fredericton, the entire Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) community, and beyond. Nova Scotians and Canadians showed an outpouring of support and appreciation for CAF members and their families, including individuals, groups, and businesses who reached out to help.

Our H&R MFRC team has felt privileged for being entrusted to support military families – how and when you have needed us. Your resilience, unity, and unwavering support for each other speak to the closely knit community that is the military. And as military families, you are connected by your shared experience of military life. On behalf of the staff and Board of Directors, I sincerely thank you for your service.

We will remember them.

Shelley Hopkins

Executive Director

Update for Tuesday, April 27, 2021

In response to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation in our province, all three sites of the H&R MFRC (Shearwater, Halifax, and Cape Breton) will be closed to the public effective Wednesday, April 28, 2021. Our team will transition to working remotely and are available and accessible to support military and veteran families via phone, email, and using virtual platforms. Please note the following updates:

Child Care Centres:

The H&R MFRC remains operational with the following services:

*We are connecting with the Fleet Mail office and will provide further direction on morale mail drop off.

Families can also access:

For more details about our programs and services or for general inquiries, please call our 24-hour information line at 902-427-7788 to speak with a member of our administration team.

The health and safety of our military family community and employees is our priority. The H&R MFRC adheres to public health directives as they are issued. We remain committed to keeping families informed and connected so please continue to monitor our social media for updates.




Update for Friday, April 23, 2021

In response to yesterday’s update from Dr. Strang, the H&R MFRC is adhering to new public health restrictions. To ensure clarity, we provide the following information:

The H&R MFRC remains committed to the health and safety of our families, employees, and community. Please practice diligence by adhering to all public health protocols when accessing our facilities. Stay safe and stay connected with us:


We’re hiring!

Role: Marketing Coordinator

We’re in search of someone who can use their skills in social media to effectively engage with our audience to promote our programs and services.

The marketing guru is responsible for increasing awareness of the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre (a non-profit organization), through social media, print media, and community engagement. They will use their superb social media, design skills, copywriting, and creativity to develop engaging content using a variety of mediums and social media platforms. This role will require a high degree of creativity and interest in trying new approaches and being active in the community. This role requires flexibility in work hours, to be present at programs and events, including evenings and weekends.

Be passionate about your work and about supporting military families are two must-haves!

For more information on the job and how to apply, please see below.

Research Studies - Requests for Participants

The H&R MFRC believes that military family research provides the basis for understanding how best to meet the needs of Military and Veteran families. As such, we will let military and veteran families know about research opportunities that may be of interest to them. We do not endorse particular research or researchers but encourage interested families to determine if the research study is a good fit for them.

Here are the current requests for participants.

Centre Storm Policy (revised December 2020)

During inclement weather, most H&R MFRC services will continue to operate as staff remain accessible online and by phone. The following outlines our policy regarding delays and closures. We do our very best to inform families as soon as a decision has been reached.

Centre closure

When the H&R MFRC is closed due to weather, all on-site and off-site programs/ appointments will be cancelled. This includes the Halifax site, the Shearwater site, and the Henderson Sweetman Youth Centre.

Please note: The delivery of virtual programs is not affected by Centre closures, early dismissals, delayed openings, and/or site-specific closures.

*The Shearwater and Windsor Park Children’s Centres follows the Halifax Regional Centre of Education (HRCE) decisions for closure, early closure, and delayed openings.

Early Closure

If the H&R MFRC is closing early due to weather, in-person programs/ appointments will be cancelled. Participants/ clients will be contacted to advise them of the cancellation. Virtual programs will continue to be offered unless otherwise indicated.

Delayed Opening

When the H&R MFRC has a delayed opening due to inclement weather, all morning in-person programs/ appointments will be cancelled; virtual programs will continue to be
offered unless otherwise indicated. Staff availability, weather conditions, road conditions, and clearing of parking lots are factors that determine if afternoon and evening in-person programs/ appointments will run. Participants/ clients will be notified, but we ask you to check with one of the following sources for updated information:

1. H&R MFRC Facebook:

2. H&R MFRC website: and

3. H&R MFRC Twitter: @HRMFRC

4. H&R MFRC Information & Referral Line: 902-427-7788

School Closure (Halifax area)

When the H&R MFRC is open and HRCE schools are closed or have a delayed opening due to inclement weather, all in-person programs/ appointments will be cancelled; virtual programs will continue to be offered unless otherwise indicated. Staff availability, weather conditions, road conditions, and clearing of parking lots are factors that determine if in-person afternoon and evening programs/appointments will run.

Site-Specific Operations

If the Shearwater site is open and the Halifax site is closed, or, if the Halifax site is open and the Shearwater site is closed, programs/ appointments at the site that is closed will be cancelled; programs/ appointments at the site that is open will run as scheduled. If HRCE schools are closed or have a delayed opening due to weather, H&R MFRC programs/ appointments will be cancelled.


If the centres are closed due to inclement weather, registered participants will receive a refund. If we are open and the registered participant decides not to attend, there will be no refund.

Community Update: Phase Four


(Effective September 8, 2020)

Thank you to our community for such patience and continued participation as we adapt our delivery of programs and services during a pandemic. Effective September 8, 2020, we are pleased to announce the following updates to our hours of operation as well as programs and services.

Hours of Operation

Halifax site, H&R MFRC (6393 Homefire Crescent): Monday to Friday, 7am – 5pm

Shearwater site, H&R MFRC (30 Provider Road): Monday to Friday, 8am – 4:30pm (public access is limited to the main office and community room)

Licensed Child Care Centres (Windsor Park Children’s Centre and Shearwater Children’s Centre): Monday to Friday, 6:30am – 5pm (to coincide with base parking resumption).

Programs and Services (updates and reminders)

• The September Program Guide will soon be available on our website. It is a great source of information on upcoming programs, both virtual and in-person options. Adhering to social distancing requirements means we have limited spaces for in-person programs so we will continue to offer virtual programming so more families can participate.

• Counselling services from a member of our Mental Health & Well-Being Team are available by phone and by appointment.

• One-on-one services in the areas of the support for veterans and their families, special needs navigation, relocation, employment, and deployment, will continue to be available by appointment.

• Deployment Respite Child Care is available at our Shearwater site on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 – 11:30am and 1 – 3pm. Pre-registration is required.

• Play & Learn, a program for parents/caregivers and their youngsters, will offer outdoor activities.

• Our Community Fall Fair takes place from September 20-26, 2020. Throughout the week we will be offering fun activities for everyone, delivered both virtually and in-person.

For more details about our programs, services or general inquiries, please call our information line at 902-427-7788 to speak with a member of our administration team. For urgent matters, this phone line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Please continue to follow us on social media or sign up for our weekly electronic newsletter (eNews) to learn more about new and upcoming programs, services and events. Also, we continually evaluate our programs and services so please share with us your feedback and suggestions.






From all of us at the H&R MFRC, please stay healthy and stay connected!

Operation Backpack 2019

On behalf of the members of HMCS Kingston, the H&R MFRC is collecting backpacks and school supplies this summer. These donations will be given to youth in an Arctic community. Donation boxes are set up at the Halifax and Shearwater sites, H&R MFRC. New school supplies and new/gently used backpacks are very much appreciated.

Deadline is Friday, July 19, 2019. For more info, please contact: or 902-722-4662.

Request for Proposals: Mental Health & Well-Being Services

Scope of Practice and Delivery

SOP (standard operating procedures)

Issued by the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre

June 25, 2019

Expression of Interest Deadline: 4 pm AST, 23 August, 2019

Submission Due Date: 4 pm AST, September 3, 2019

The Halifax & Region MFRC is a not-for profit, charitable organization, governed by a volunteer Board of Directors made up of a minimum of 51 percent military family members.

The mission of the Halifax & Region MFRC is to strengthen the well-being of all those who share the unique experience of military life.


The H&R MFRC has two primary locations, one in Halifax (Windsor Park), one in Dartmouth (Shearwater) and there is one satellite office in Sydney, with an average fulltime employee count of 34.

The H&R MFRC has a Mental Health and Well-Being Team, currently comprised of 4 team members, 3 based primarily in Halifax and 1 based primarily in Shearwater. Three are registered social workers; of the four, 1 team member is responsible for the intake process and 1 is responsible to work with the Transition Centre. The provided services include crisis intervention, prevention programming, short term counselling and referrals to internal (i.e. Special Needs and Inclusion Navigator) and external resources/ agencies. This team has oversight for 6 short-term apartments, emergency child care and financial resources. The team has professional commitments, in representing the H&R MFRC, on committees, working groups and community of practice groups.

Since 2018, the Mental Health and Well-Being Team has been under review, to determine if the current service delivery model is meeting the needs of local military families. Effective 1 January, 2019, the team structure was changed to eliminate the Supervisor role, in favor of a fulltime intake coordinator. Of note, the team has been without practice supervision for more than three years.

The H&R MFRC is looking to contract an individual, or company, to assess and develop the Mental Health and Well-Being Team’s scope of practice and delivery, in addition to documenting all associated operating procedures, ranging from intake to the evaluation of the client experience.


The successful bidder will be provided all relevant documentation of current policies, standards, practice tools, and evaluation information including results of a recent community survey.

The successful bidder would be engaged to provide the following services:


The contract period provided to execute all service deliverables is to a maximum of six weeks, from the contract start date.


Please include the following in your response to this request for proposals:


To be considered a bidder, for the Analysis and Process Development of Administrative Services, for the Halifax & Region MFRC, the successful contractor(s) must:


An expression of interest, via email, is requested no later than 4 pm AST, August 23, 2019. Written proposals will be accepted in hard copy, or via email, no later than 4pm AST, September 3, 2019.

Proposals received after the submission deadline will not be given consideration

Hard Copy Proposals are to be forwarded to:

Chris Saldon, Executive Assistant

Halifax & Region MFRC

6393 Homefire Crescent

Halifax, NS

B3K 5X5

Alternatively, digital copies of proposals can be emailed to:


Proposals will be evaluated by Halifax & Region MFRC’s senior staff. All aspects of the submissions will be taken into consideration when evaluating the proposals. This includes the following:


The H&R MFRC maintains its right to make any selection it deems prudent, so far as opting to not award a contract.

Responding firms or individual participants acknowledge through their participation that such selection is not subject to protest or contest.


All questions regarding this RFP are to be submitted in writing, via email, to Shelley Hopkins, Executive Director, via email at

Any oral communications shall be considered unofficial and non-binding.

Written responses will be provided to written questions.

Recruitment for the Board of Directors has kicked off!

Deadline to apply is May, 21, 2019


Want to help shape the H&R MFRC? Want to give back and support other military families? Our Board of Directors is recruiting new members and we want to hear from you. If you are interested in applying please review the Board Package and then click Join the Board to start your application. Please submit applications to:

McHappy Day 2019

On Wednesday, May 8, 2019, McDonald’s biggest and longest-standing fundraising event, McHappy Day, is back!

For the second year, the H&R MFRC is one of the charities that will receive proceeds from this day!

A portion of $1 from every Big Mac, Happy Meal, or hot McCafébeverage sold will go directly to programs and services for military families.

Take family, friends, colleagues… to McDonald’s at 393 Pleasant Street (Dartmouth) or 3486 Kempt Road (Halifax)and make a purchase. Or lots of purchases!

The H&R MFRC has been proudly supporting military families since 1986. With your generosity, we can continue to do so.

H&R MFRC: Program Storm Policy


Centre closure

When the H&R MFRC is closed due to weather, all on-site and off-site programming will be cancelled. This includes virtual programs as well as the Henderson Sweetman Youth Centre.

Early Closure

If the H&R MFRC has early closure due to weather, programs will be cancelled and participants will be contacted to pick up their children from Casual Child Care.

Delayed Opening

When the H&R MFRC has a delayed opening due to weather, all morning programs will be cancelled. Staff availability, weather conditions, road conditions and clearing of parking lots are factors that determine if afternoon and evening programs will run.

Participants are to check with one of the following sources prior to coming to the program:

  1. H&R MFRC Facebook:
  2. H&R MFRC website: and
  3. H&R MFRC Twitter: @HRMFRC
  4. H&R MFRC Information & Referral Line: 902-427-7788

School Closure (Halifax area)

When the H&R MFRC is open and Halifax Regional Centre of Education (HRCE) schools are closed or have a delayed opening due to weather, all programs will be cancelled. This includes Casual Child Care and Program Related Child Care. Staff availability, weather conditions, road conditions and clearing of parking lots are factors that determine if afternoon and evening programs will run.

Site-Specific Operations

If the Shearwater site is open and the Halifax site is closed, or, if the Halifax site is open and the Shearwater site is closed, programs at the site that is closed will be cancelled; programs at the site that is open will run as scheduled. If HRCE schools are closed or have a delayed opening due to weather, H&R MFRC programs, including Casual Child Care and Program Related Child Care, will be cancelled.


If we are closed due to inclement weather, registered participants will receive a refund. If the registered participant decides not to attend, there will be no refund. For complete details, please read our policy on Registration, Cancellations & Refunds.

Happy Harry’s Supports the H&R MFRC

From 1 to 10 November 2019, Happy Harry’s Affordable Building Centre in Burnside (46 Wright Ave, Dartmouth) will donate 10% of sales to the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre (H&R MFRC).

On Saturday, 2 November, 2019 the H&R MFRC will hold a barbeque from 10am – 2pm. Proceeds from the barbeque will support programs and services at the H&R MFRC.

Complete some of those projects on your to-do list and support your MFRC!

Were you posted in 2017 or 2018?

We believe that military families know what their needs are and what works best for them, therefore our programs and services must be shaped by families. We want to hear from you about how the H&R MFRC did in assisting you with your relocation- what worked and what can be improved upon and modified. Please take a few minutes to let us know how we did by filling out our evaluation on at Please complete by Monday, October 22, 2018.

Vacation Lottery Extravaganza 2017/18

Here is the final list of winners from the 2017/18 Vacation Lottery Extravaganza hosted by the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre. Thank you to all the supporters who purchased tickets that helped support military families across northern Nova Scotia.

March Prize Draws

March 12, 2018

Grand Prize: Lt(N) Ryan Levasseur | Ticket:#1069 | Marlant HQ

$1000 Cash Prize: Capt François Roy | Ticket:#0018 | 405 Squadron

$500 Cash Prize: CPO1 Duncan Elbourne | Ticket:#1061 | CFNES

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Ingrid MacIsaac | Ticket:#0269 | Civilian

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Keanu Ling-McGill | Ticket:#1116

February Prize Draws

February 12, 2018

Grand Prize: Bernie Martin | Ticket:#0744 | Civilian

$1000 Cash Prize: Alain Dancause | Ticket:#1281 | Civilian

$500 Cash Prize: Tim Doucette | Ticket:#1259 | Civilian

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Enrico Crosato | Ticket:#0165 | Civilian

$150 Superstore Gift Card: CPO2 Dave Luxton | Ticket:#0494 | NS Highlanders

January Prize Draws

January 10, 2018

Grand Prize: Cpl Andrew Noseworthy | Ticket:#0046 | 14 AMS

$1000 Cash Prize: Cpl Mark Berry | Ticket:#0740 | 5 Line Sqn, 77 Regt

$500 Cash Prize: Patrick Kyte | Ticket:#0845 | Civilian

$150 Superstore Gift Card: WO Michael Andrews | Ticket:#0781 | Cdn Air Div HQ

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Mary MacDonald | Ticket:#1279 | Civilian

December Prize Draws

December 11, 2017

Grand Prize: Suzanne MacArthur | Ticket:#0899

$1000 Cash Prize: Norman Blois | Ticket:#0830

$500 Cash Prize: Cpl Savanna Baker | Ticket:#1009 | Marlant HQ

$150 Superstore Gift Card: CPO2 Dennis Morgan | Ticket:#0786 | Marlant HQ

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Michelle Baumhour | Ticket:#0312 | B Adm WO Sgts Mess

November Prize Draws

November 10, 2016

Grand Prize: MCpl Anthony Crocker | Ticket:#0922 | 423 Sq

$1000 Cash Prize: Maj Mary Beth Arsenault | Ticket:#0859 | RPOU (Atlantic)

$500 Cash Prize: MWO Jimmy Fougere | Ticket:#0248 | 1 Cdn Air Div HQ

$150 Superstore Gift Card: PO1 Barry Thomas | Ticket:#0384 | NPTG NFSA

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Cpl Chris Ainsworth | Ticket:#1218 | BLOG

October Prize Draws

October 10, 2017

Grand Prize: Eric D’Anjou | Ticket:#0166

$1000 Cash Prize: Cpl Pamela Splude | Ticket:#0720 | 406(M) OTS

$500 Cash Prize: SLT Jeremy Schertzer | Ticket:#1102 | HMCS Corner Brook

$150 Superstore Gift Card: MCpl Kent Billingham | Ticket:#0042 | 405 (AMO1) Greenwood

$150 Superstore Gift Card: OS Joel Blackburn | Ticket:#1072 | BLOG

September Prize Draws

September 11, 2017

Grand Prize: CPO2 Charles Hachey | Ticket:#0842

$1000 Cash Prize: PO1 Edith Sullivan | Ticket:#0673

$500 Cash Prize: PO2 Jonathan Osmond | Ticket:#1206

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Sgt Gerald Fudge | Ticket:#0268

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Richard Lamer | Ticket:#0290

August Prize Draws

August 10, 2017

Grand Prize: LS Lucas Linfield | Ticket:#0597 | HMCS Fredericton

$1000 Cash Prize: Lt(N) David Cochrane | Ticket:#1124 | HMCS Glace Bay

$500 Cash Prize: Cpl Steven Mitchell Mancini | Ticket:#0581 | WTIS

$150 Superstore Gift Card: CPO2 Charles Hachey | Ticket:#0842 | NFS (A)

$150 Superstore Gift Card: CPO2 Laurent Lucas | Ticket:#0782 | Marlant N3

July Prize Draws

July 10, 2017

Grand Prize: Cindy Grenon | Ticket:#0282 | Food Services

$1000 Cash Prize: Colleen Jarvis | Ticket:#0976 | CFMWC

$500 Cash Prize: MS Tonya Lee Gaudet | Ticket:#0831 | 5 Line Sqn

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Capt (N) Paul Forget | Ticket:#0632 | Base Commander

$150 Superstore Gift Card: MCpl Hugo Couet | Ticket:#0048 | 405 Sqn

June Prize Draws

June 12, 2017

Grand Prize: Cpl Scott Lindsay | Ticket: #0605 | 12 AMS

$1000 Cash Prize: MS Victor Harvie | Ticket: #0894 | Trinity

$500 Cash Prize: Sgt Rhonda Jones | Ticket: #0652 | BOR

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Audrey Bowen | Ticket: #0330 | H&R MFRC (Shearwater)

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Brian Lambe | Ticket: #0496 | FMF Cape Scott

May Prize Draws

May 10, 2017

Grand Prize: CPO2 Stephane Thibert | Ticket:#0860 | NFS (A)

$1000 Cash Prize: CPO2 Robert Bergeron | Ticket:#0387 | CFNOS

$500 Cash Prize: MCpl Leslie Blair | Ticket:#0575 | 406 SQN

$150 Superstore Gift Card: LS Dayna Eidukos-Mooney | Ticket:#0643 | HMCS Summerside

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Cpl Scott Lindsay | Ticket:#0605 | HOTEF

April Prize Draws

April 10, 2017

Grand Prize: MCpl Michael Walsh | Ticket:#0274 | 12 AMS

$1000 Cash Prize: Karen MacNeil | Ticket:#1066 | Civ

$500 Cash Prize: Lt (N) Jeremiah Blaquiére | Ticket:#0199 | BLOG

$150 Walmart Gift Card: Cpl Mathieu Bergeron | Ticket:#0129 | 12 AMS

$150 Walmart Gift Card: LCol Bruce Jarvis | Ticket:#564 | RCSU (A)

Early Bird Prize Winners

Early Bird Grand Prize Prize Draw

March 10, 2017

Veronica Mendoza | Ticket:#0985 | CIV

Early Bird Draws

March 3, 2017 | 3 $150 Gift Cards

CPO1 Darcy Burd | Ticket:#0584 | HMCS Fredericton

Cdr Guillaume S. Coté | Ticket:#0645 | HMCS Athabaskan

Cpl Richard Russell | Ticket:#0021 | 405 Sqn Greenwood

March 2, 2017 | 3 $150 Gift Cards

PO1 Kevin McGrath | Ticket:#0160 | NFS (A)

Lt(N) Wesley C. MacKey | Ticket:#0563 | RCSU

Jessie Castle | Ticket:#0762 | Civ | AJAG

March 1, 2017 | 3 $150 Gift Cards

LS Ryan Richardson | Ticket:#0861 | NFS (A)

Brenda Piercey | Ticket:#0334 | CIV | RCSU

WO Noelle Fraser | Ticket:#0568 | FDU(A)

February 28, 2017 | 3 $150 Gift Cards

MWO Roxanne Clowe | Ticket:#0687 | CTC Tac School, Gagetown

Sgt Winnie Humby | Ticket:#0580 | RCSU(A)

Lt (N) Scot Whyte | Ticket:#0337 | HMCS Summerside

Vacation Lottery Extravaganza 2016/17

Here is the final list of winners from the 2016/17 Vacation Lottery Extravaganza hosted by the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre. Thank you to all the supporters who purchased tickets that helped support military families across northern Nova Scotia.

January Prize Draws

January 10, 2016

Grand Prize: LS Darryl Ryan | Ticket:#0715

$1000 Cash Prize: PO1 Brent Hines | Ticket:#0595

$500 Cash Prize: MS Victor Harvie | Ticket:#0826

$150 Superstore Gift Card: LS Brandon MacDonald | Ticket:#1226

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Capt. Ron Lambert | Ticket:#0184

December Prize Draws

December 12, 2016

Grand Prize: Braydon Anthony | Ticket:#0362

$1000 Cash Prize: Jacob Sparks | Ticket:#0348

$500 Cash Prize: Paul Cote | Ticket:#0370

$150 Superstore Gift Card: David Colbourne | Ticket:#0155

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Barbara Schneider | Ticket:#0256

November Prize Draws

November 10, 2016

Grand Prize: Roger Foster | Ticket:#1341

$1000 Cash Prize: Edward Buckle | Ticket:#1328

$500 Cash Prize: Maj. Brian Wall | Ticket:#0150

$150 Superstore Gift Card: PO1 Gary Murphy | Ticket:#0538

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Jordan Yetman | Ticket:#0980

October Prize Draws

October 11, 2016

Grand Prize: MS William Young | Ticket:#0825

$1000 Cash Prize: Maj. Brian Wall | Ticket:#0150

$500 Cash Prize: Margaret Hellen MacPhee | Ticket:#0949

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Jason Jackson | Ticket:#1498

$150 Superstore Gift Card: WO Paul Day | Ticket:#0211

September Prize Draws

September 12, 2016

Grand Prize: Garrett Reddy | Ticket:#0290

$1000 Cash Prize: Christine Perry | Ticket:#0834 | CFNES

$500 Cash Prize: Blaine North | Ticket:#0042 | Elect. Shop

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Cpt. Jonathan Watt | Ticket:#1333

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Christopher Graham | Ticket:#0554 | HMCS Preserver

August Prize Draws

August 10, 2016

Grand Prize: Kylie Wills | Ticket:#0166

$1000 Cash Prize: LS Matthew Hunt | Ticket:#0296

$500 Cash Prize: Laurie Cruikshank | Ticket:#0192 | 12 Wing

$150 Superstore Gift Card: LS Devon Lohnes | Ticket:#0854

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Ed Fitzgerald | Ticket:#0199

July Prize Draws

July 11, 2016

Grand Prize: Debbie Faucher | Ticket:#0081

$1000 Cash Prize: LCdr Nancy Setchell | Ticket:#0637

$500 Cash Prize: Matthew Moore | Ticket:#1280 | CFNOS

$150 Superstore Gift Card: CPO2 Robert P. MacDonald | Ticket:#1058

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Dave Birt | Ticket:#0075 | 1st Field Regiment

June Prize Draws

June 10, 2016

Grand Prize: CPO2 Barry Warren | Ticket:#0358

$1000 Cash Prize: PO2 Mark Grant | Ticket:#0118

$500 Cash Prize: Kathy Power | Ticket:#0233 | CIV

$150 Superstore Gift Card: LS Michael Santerre | Ticket:#0950

$150 Superstore Gift Card: MCpl Jerome McMillin | Ticket:#0075

May Prize Draws

May 10, 2016

Grand Prize: PO1 Tina Pace | Ticket:#0959 | HMCS VDQ

$1000 Cash Prize: PO2 Kevin S. Symes | Ticket:#1254 | CFSU Europe

$500 Cash Prize: CDR (Ret’d) Garrett Reddy | Ticket:#0290

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Sgt Chris Hutt | Ticket:#0226 | 3 MP Regt

$150 Superstore Gift Card: SLT James Adams | Ticket:#0847 | HMCS Fredericton

April Prize Draws

April 11, 2016

Grand Prize: PO1 Barry Thomas | Ticket:#0201 | 12 Wing HQ

$1000 Cash Prize: PO2 Chris Graham | Ticket:#0554 | HMCS Preserver

$500 Cash Prize: AB Mark Théberge | Ticket:#1150 | HMCS Cornerbrook

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Debbie Ross | Ticket:#0200 | CIV

$150 Superstore Gift Card: PO2 Chevonne Fisher | Ticket:#0413 | BIZ

Early Bird Prize Winners

Early Bird Grand Prize Prize Draw

March 23, 2016

PO2 Shellie Poole | Ticket:#0983 | CF H. SVCS

March Early Bird Draws

March 11, 2016 | 5 $100 Superstore Giftcards

Kevin Arsenault | Ticket:#0662 | CIV

Ivan Simms | Ticket:#0801 | CIV

PO2 Geoff White | Ticket:#0563

MS James Andrew MacDonald | Ticket:#1132

Cdr Guillaume Cote | Ticket:#1009

February Early Bird Draws

February 19, 2016 | 5 $100 Superstore Giftcards

MCPL Aaron Crocker | Ticket:#644 | 12 AMS

Capt Kevin Caverly | Ticket:#733 | HOTEF

LS Mattheu Hunt | Ticket:#296 | HMCS Halifax

Capt Matthew Bradbury | Ticket:#49 | Wing Ops Greenwood

LS Benjamin Hovinga | Ticket:#474 | MOG 5

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