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Vacation Lottery Extravaganza 2017/18

Here is the final list of winners from the 2017/18 Vacation Lottery Extravaganza hosted by the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre. Thank you to all the supporters who purchased tickets that helped support military families across northern Nova Scotia.

March Prize Draws

March 12, 2018

Grand Prize: Lt(N) Ryan Levasseur | Ticket:#1069 | Marlant HQ

$1000 Cash Prize: Capt François Roy | Ticket:#0018 | 405 Squadron

$500 Cash Prize: CPO1 Duncan Elbourne | Ticket:#1061 | CFNES

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Ingrid MacIsaac | Ticket:#0269 | Civilian

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Keanu Ling-McGill | Ticket:#1116

February Prize Draws

February 12, 2018

Grand Prize: Bernie Martin | Ticket:#0744 | Civilian

$1000 Cash Prize: Alain Dancause | Ticket:#1281 | Civilian

$500 Cash Prize: Tim Doucette | Ticket:#1259 | Civilian

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Enrico Crosato | Ticket:#0165 | Civilian

$150 Superstore Gift Card: CPO2 Dave Luxton | Ticket:#0494 | NS Highlanders

January Prize Draws

January 10, 2018

Grand Prize: Cpl Andrew Noseworthy | Ticket:#0046 | 14 AMS

$1000 Cash Prize: Cpl Mark Berry | Ticket:#0740 | 5 Line Sqn, 77 Regt

$500 Cash Prize: Patrick Kyte | Ticket:#0845 | Civilian

$150 Superstore Gift Card: WO Michael Andrews | Ticket:#0781 | Cdn Air Div HQ

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Mary MacDonald | Ticket:#1279 | Civilian

December Prize Draws

December 11, 2017

Grand Prize: Suzanne MacArthur | Ticket:#0899

$1000 Cash Prize: Norman Blois | Ticket:#0830

$500 Cash Prize: Cpl Savanna Baker | Ticket:#1009 | Marlant HQ

$150 Superstore Gift Card: CPO2 Dennis Morgan | Ticket:#0786 | Marlant HQ

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Michelle Baumhour | Ticket:#0312 | B Adm WO Sgts Mess

November Prize Draws

November 10, 2016

Grand Prize: MCpl Anthony Crocker | Ticket:#0922 | 423 Sq

$1000 Cash Prize: Maj Mary Beth Arsenault | Ticket:#0859 | RPOU (Atlantic)

$500 Cash Prize: MWO Jimmy Fougere | Ticket:#0248 | 1 Cdn Air Div HQ

$150 Superstore Gift Card: PO1 Barry Thomas | Ticket:#0384 | NPTG NFSA

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Cpl Chris Ainsworth | Ticket:#1218 | BLOG

October Prize Draws

October 10, 2017

Grand Prize: Eric D’Anjou | Ticket:#0166

$1000 Cash Prize: Cpl Pamela Splude | Ticket:#0720 | 406(M) OTS

$500 Cash Prize: SLT Jeremy Schertzer | Ticket:#1102 | HMCS Corner Brook

$150 Superstore Gift Card: MCpl Kent Billingham | Ticket:#0042 | 405 (AMO1) Greenwood

$150 Superstore Gift Card: OS Joel Blackburn | Ticket:#1072 | BLOG

September Prize Draws

September 11, 2017

Grand Prize: CPO2 Charles Hachey | Ticket:#0842

$1000 Cash Prize: PO1 Edith Sullivan | Ticket:#0673

$500 Cash Prize: PO2 Jonathan Osmond | Ticket:#1206

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Sgt Gerald Fudge | Ticket:#0268

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Richard Lamer | Ticket:#0290

August Prize Draws

August 10, 2017

Grand Prize: LS Lucas Linfield | Ticket:#0597 | HMCS Fredericton

$1000 Cash Prize: Lt(N) David Cochrane | Ticket:#1124 | HMCS Glace Bay

$500 Cash Prize: Cpl Steven Mitchell Mancini | Ticket:#0581 | WTIS

$150 Superstore Gift Card: CPO2 Charles Hachey | Ticket:#0842 | NFS (A)

$150 Superstore Gift Card: CPO2 Laurent Lucas | Ticket:#0782 | Marlant N3

July Prize Draws

July 10, 2017

Grand Prize: Cindy Grenon | Ticket:#0282 | Food Services

$1000 Cash Prize: Colleen Jarvis | Ticket:#0976 | CFMWC

$500 Cash Prize: MS Tonya Lee Gaudet | Ticket:#0831 | 5 Line Sqn

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Capt (N) Paul Forget | Ticket:#0632 | Base Commander

$150 Superstore Gift Card: MCpl Hugo Couet | Ticket:#0048 | 405 Sqn

June Prize Draws

June 12, 2017

Grand Prize: Cpl Scott Lindsay | Ticket: #0605 | 12 AMS

$1000 Cash Prize: MS Victor Harvie | Ticket: #0894 | Trinity

$500 Cash Prize: Sgt Rhonda Jones | Ticket: #0652 | BOR

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Audrey Bowen | Ticket: #0330 | H&R MFRC (Shearwater)

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Brian Lambe | Ticket: #0496 | FMF Cape Scott

May Prize Draws

May 10, 2017

Grand Prize: CPO2 Stephane Thibert | Ticket:#0860 | NFS (A)

$1000 Cash Prize: CPO2 Robert Bergeron | Ticket:#0387 | CFNOS

$500 Cash Prize: MCpl Leslie Blair | Ticket:#0575 | 406 SQN

$150 Superstore Gift Card: LS Dayna Eidukos-Mooney | Ticket:#0643 | HMCS Summerside

$150 Superstore Gift Card: Cpl Scott Lindsay | Ticket:#0605 | HOTEF

April Prize Draws

April 10, 2017

Grand Prize: MCpl Michael Walsh | Ticket:#0274 | 12 AMS

$1000 Cash Prize: Karen MacNeil | Ticket:#1066 | Civ

$500 Cash Prize: Lt (N) Jeremiah Blaquiére | Ticket:#0199 | BLOG

$150 Walmart Gift Card: Cpl Mathieu Bergeron | Ticket:#0129 | 12 AMS

$150 Walmart Gift Card: LCol Bruce Jarvis | Ticket:#564 | RCSU (A)

Early Bird Prize Winners

Early Bird Grand Prize Prize Draw

March 10, 2017

Veronica Mendoza | Ticket:#0985 | CIV

Early Bird Draws

March 3, 2017 | 3 $150 Gift Cards

CPO1 Darcy Burd | Ticket:#0584 | HMCS Fredericton

Cdr Guillaume S. Coté | Ticket:#0645 | HMCS Athabaskan

Cpl Richard Russell | Ticket:#0021 | 405 Sqn Greenwood

March 2, 2017 | 3 $150 Gift Cards

PO1 Kevin McGrath | Ticket:#0160 | NFS (A)

Lt(N) Wesley C. MacKey | Ticket:#0563 | RCSU

Jessie Castle | Ticket:#0762 | Civ | AJAG

March 1, 2017 | 3 $150 Gift Cards

LS Ryan Richardson | Ticket:#0861 | NFS (A)

Brenda Piercey | Ticket:#0334 | CIV | RCSU

WO Noelle Fraser | Ticket:#0568 | FDU(A)

February 28, 2017 | 3 $150 Gift Cards

MWO Roxanne Clowe | Ticket:#0687 | CTC Tac School, Gagetown

Sgt Winnie Humby | Ticket:#0580 | RCSU(A)

Lt (N) Scot Whyte | Ticket:#0337 | HMCS Summerside

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