Contact Us 902-427-7788 0R 1-888-753-8827

Military Family Navigation

H&R MFRC Navigators are military family service professionals who know the military lifestyle and its unique challenges, the community, and the services/supports available. Navigators will work with families to learn about their military journey, listen to their questions, needs, and strengths, and identify the best tools, services and supports available to help them.

Navigators provide peer support opportunities and education in the areas of relocation, absences, and transition into the military and throughout the release process. We work collaboratively with other agencies to provide relevant navigational support to connect to local and national resources that work best for families and will not duplicate existing services already available in the community. ​

Appointments can be made by phone, virtually by Zoom/TEAMS, or in person. Set up an appointment with a navigator:

Call: 902-427-7788


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