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RFP: Francophone Mental Health & Well-Being Counsellor Casual Contractor

Halifax site & Shearwater site, H&R MFRC

One Year Pilot Project

Submission Due Date: 22 March 2022, 4pm AST

The H&R MFRC recognizes mental health supports in the community are limited, with extensive wait times and we continually strive to address service gaps. A new funding opportunity allows us to support Francophone military families to access mental health services including short term counselling in French. This casual contract position will augment our Mental Health & Well Being team. We are excited to be recipients of a one-year pilot project funding from True Patriot Love, to contract a casual Francophone social worker, to deliver comparable services on an as needed or requested basis. Given this approach, the candidate selected must be flexible in their availability to respond to client requests and deliver support services in a variety of methods including phone, virtual and in person counselling.

Projet pilote d’un an

Entrepreneur occasionnel - Conseiller francophone en santé mentale et bien-être

Nous reconnaissons que les mesures de soutien pour la santé mentale dans la communauté sont limitées et ont des temps d’attente longs, et nous nous efforçons continuellement de combler les lacunes dans les services. Une nouvelle occasion de financement nous permet de soutenir les familles des militaires francophones afin qu’elles accèdent aux services de santé mentale, dont le counselling à court terme, en français. Ce poste de marché occasionnel renforcera notre équipe de santé mentale et de bien-être.

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